ICAO English training
ICAO English training and much more...
Saving your time and money. Our ICAO English refresher will effectively brush-up your skills and knowledge for ICAO English Exam. We won't pass the exam for you, but we'll do everything we can to equip you with the required knowledge and skills required to pass the ICAO English.
In case some of your qualifications are expired, in ProfiPilot Training, you have an opportunity to have your qualifications revalidated or renewed by a flight examiner. And in case you are or want to become an examiner yourself, you might be interested in our senior flight examiner service.
IE ICAO English Course
ICAO English refresher will get you ready for the ICAO English exam. To minimize the "washback effect", we take great effort to effectively brush-up your knowledge.
The ICAO English preparation course consists of a technical part and the preparation for the ICAO English exam itself. In the second part, we simulate the the real-life ICAO English exam, so you get a real feeling of the exam.
You can attend the ICAO English refresher online with one of our Course instructors. You only need a laptop or tablet along with a good internet connection. The course can either be provided one to one, or in small groups.

IC IFR Communication Course
EASA IR English preparation course will effectively get you ready for the IR English exam. We are one of the very few organizations in the region providing the IR English course and IR English exams.
The IR English course is the course of the IFR Communications. It is the IFR Phraseology course.
You can attend the IR English course online with one of our Course instructors.
Pc Phraseology course
Aviation communication should be taught in every flight school during flight training. Effective communication training should be one of the very first parts of flight training. Flight training in order to obtain a private pilot license - PPL(A) or a light aircraft pilot license - LAPL(A) contains both theoretical and practical aspects of aviation communication.
The aviation communication course and the radio-phraseology course are provided in either English or Slovak language. You will mainly learn communication procedures during VFR flights, which are specific for flight training.
Every flight school should administer the radio-phraseology exam before PPL or LAPL trainee's first solo flight at the latest. If you, however, still feel unsure about flying at busy airports, wel'll gladly help you improve your communication skills.

Lp Language proficiency Examiner
Only a licensed language proficiency examiner can administer the ICAO English exams.
To become the language proficiency examiner, you would need a Language Testing Body organization which can administratively oversee the ICAO English exam. Aero Language provides this umbrella option for everybody who attends the language examiner course. The Language Proficiency Examiner Course is led by our Course instructor. You will learnall the competences and skills needed for the job of the ICAO language examiner.
FS Flight School
ProfiPilot Training is an organization authorized to provide the wide range of EASA-compliant flight training courses.
ProfiPilot Training is a holder of SK.ATO.15 certificate and serves as both - wet lease and dry lease provider of the flight training courses, instructor seminars and type rating courses.
Flight training leading to the level of professional pilot is demanding. Whether it's finances, time, or energy, it requires a great deal of dedication. The instructors in ProfiPilot Academy have all had to go through the process as well and they'll gladly help you overcome the obstacles on your way to cockpit.

PF Professional Flight Training
The flight training can only be provided by a flight school. Flight training provided by our ProfiPilot Training offers a wide range of aviation courses. The flight instructors and flight examiners running in the ProfiPilot Training have many years of experience in various areas of aviation including the airline and bizav ops.
ProfiPilot Training provides type rating for a number of airliners and bizjet. If you are on the way to airliner cockpit, you might be interested in multi-crew cooperation MCC training.
If your qualification is expired, ProfiPilot Training provides flight training in order to revalidate or renew the expired rating, certificate or licences.
IR Instructor Refresher training
Instructor refresher seminar is required for FI / IRI revalidation or TRI / SFI revalidation. The instructor refresher seminars are held by ProfiPilot Training flight school. The speakers and course instructors are highly qualified aviation professionals such as Type Rating Instructors and senior examiners.
If your instructor certificate is already expired, ProfiPilot Training will provide you with the tailored-made Instructor refresher training.